Hi, just wanted to point out a roster.xml error for the track Bravely Default - Overture to Hope. It points to https://vip.aersia.net/mu/bravelydefault-overturetohope.m4a but this file does not exist. According to changelog and the /mu/ directory, it should be pointing to http://vip.aersia.net/mu/bravelydefault-preludetohope.m4a, or the file should've been renamed in directory. So vip.swf and anything use using roster.xml can't play this track right now. Roster.xml also has Sonic & Knuckles SnappleMan, Ashane, norg - The Doomsday (SMBZ Version) which points to https://vip.aersia.net/mu/sonic&k-snappleman-doomsday(smbzversion).m4a, but a duplicate file http://vip.aersia.net/mu/sonic3&k-snappleman-doomsday(smbzversion).m4a also exists not referenced in roster.xml.
Thank you for the errors; they are fixed now! I was doing name corrections and forgot to change the filename. For Doomsday, I guess I got confused because the Doomsday Zone appears in both S&K and S3&K.
Hi, I've spotted a new issue with the playlist. It looks like the two music tracks for "Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future" weren't properly exiled. They won't play if you select them in the exiled play list, but they still exist on the main /mu/ directory.
It's very strange for the files to not be in the exiled directory, considering they were never in the VIP. What's even stranger is that the files in vip.aersia.net are in the proper place, but not in my local files, which I uploaded to vipvgm.net. Thanks for that.
Cool, whilst I'm here I've also spotted some other issues. The music track langrisser5-epilogue appears to be unlisted in all playlists, but exists in /mu/. The VIP playlist music track "Europa Universalis IV - The Voyage-Maintheme (Guns, Drums and Steel remix)" fails to play, as it cannot discover "eu4-tobiasgustafsson-voyage(remix)". The actual file name is "eu4-tobiasgustafsson-thevoyage(remix)" The source playlist music tracks for Europa Universalis IV, "Commerce in the Peninsula", "My Kingdom", and "The Voyage-Mainthem" fail to play, as their music files appear to exist in the /mu/ directory instead. The VIP/Source playlist music track "Dragon's Dogma - At the End of the Struggle" fails to play, though a music track for it does exist in the /mu/ directory. It cannot discover "dragonsdogma-attheendofthestruggle" as the file name is instead "dragonsdogma-endofthestruggle" Thanks again for the great playlist!