In Chrome, there's a 2000-character limit in prompts, which means only 2000 characters appear when you try to export your list of Chosen/Blocked/Sourced. Sometimes icons don't appear for whatever reason. Refresh to fix this. The playlist doesn't work in IE9 and earlier. This will never be fixed. Upgrade your browser, boomer. The volume control doesn't affect the rain audio in the Mellow playlist. This is intended behavior. I wanted you all to have separate control of the rain volume, but I didn't want to add another volume control and clutter the space. The border around the play button may not be even. Border gradients don't work in IE. Some flickering occurs in Chrome when toggling the header. The control box has some graphical layering issues in MS Edge. If you repeatedly skip tracks, every browser, except Safari, will not stop downloading the tracks you skipped over, using up unnecessary bandwidth. I don't know how to fix this; so if you value your bandwidth, limit your skips. Because of Workbox, normal browser caching no longer works for some reason. Because of this, I had to implement a way to force cache the music. Currently, up to 500 tracks will be cached if you play through them. So if you happen to go offline for whatever reason, the playlist will be able to play those cached 500 tracks. This doesn't work in Firefox.