WAP Request All of my clearly excellent and unbiased suggestions.

Discussion in 'Playlists' started by Nyangoro, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Nyangoro Limburger League

    I'm just going to make a general thread because I'm bound to have a ton of suggestions and I don't really want to flood this section with infinite threads for particular tracks.

    If this proves to be a no-no, then I can change it.

    Anyway, I'm short on time at the moment, so here's a few tracks to kick it off:

    Also, I totally have (most) anything I suggest on my hard drive, so if you like something, I can give you the file so you don't have to grab a terrible youtube rip or download the album yourself if you don't want to.

    Evangelion 3.0 (open)

    Sagisu's just too good.
  2. Nyangoro Limburger League

    Shiki (open)

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