a.k.a Cinco de Mayo Eve or Star Wars Day. I don't have a lot of Spanish or space-themed tracks at the moment, but there's still some in there! So let's get to it! Code: Implosion-Never Lose Hope - Way in the Dark Terra Battle - In the Heat of Battle Terra Battle - The Eidolons' Awakening Terra Battle - Day of Reckoning Terra Battle - Earthbound Papas - Main Theme ~TERRA BATTLE~ (Live) Dark Souls - Alex Roe - I Had A Name Dark Souls - Alex Roe - E.S. Gwyn Dark Souls II - Alex Roe - Like A Dream Demon's Souls - Alex Roe - Epitaph for Boletaria Dark Souls - SongeLeReveur - Ornstein & Smough Europa Universalis IV - Tobias Gustafsson - The Voyage-Maintheme (Guns, Drums and Steel remix) Europa Universalis IV - Tobias Gustafsson - My Kingdom (Guns, Drums and Steel remix) Europa Universalis IV - Tobias Gustafsson - Commerce in the Peninsula (Guns, Drums and Steel remix) Lovely Planet - Lovely City Lovely Planet - Lovely Forest Lovely Planet - Lovely Mountains Let's start off with something non-themed from a game called Implosion. This track was sung by Donna Burke. Yes, Donna Burke of various video games(most recently, MGSV). I was incredibly surprised to see her sing something for some mobile game, which is soon getting its own anime! Terra Battle! See? There's some Spanish in there. But seriously, this is one mobile game that I kept hearing about. For one, it's a surprisingly deep FB-style strategy game with PTW mechanics and an unusually high-quality art style. For two, the music is composed by Nobuo Uematsu(and others). For three, it's developed by Mistwalker(Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey). In light of DS3 coming out, I thought I'd put in some more Souls games. Alex Roe(not the British actor) offers his brilliant arrangement skills, and the album is free! Here's SongeLeReveur again. He pretty wicked with the guitar. And now back to the Spanish theme, sort of. Well, Mexico was a Spanish colony and EU4 is all about blobbing the Americas. These epic remixes were done by the amazing Tobias Gustafsson. Slaughtering native Americans has never been this metal. Okay, technically Lovely Planet isn't a space game, but it takes place on another planet, so uhhh... Just shut up and listen to the music.